We are an agency in the 21st century. Our response to the increasingly complex requirements of the market is to provide modern services that make it easier for our customers to operate successfully and efficiently.

Our Inhouse Video Production
With our in-house film and video production ViDo, we offer our clients fast, uncomplicated and cost-effective solutions, for all aspects of moving images. From production clarifications, shootings, cutdowns or motion design, we offer the highest quality from a single source.

Yes, you can!
EG+ – Our production partner for everything printed, shoted and digital.
In close cooperation with our network partner eg+, we offer production services for all channels.
Our specialists are highly passionate about turning creative briefings into first-class advertising materials.

Our cultural compass for brands.
Wer Menschen bewegen will, muss wissen, was Menschen bewegt. Mit Zeitgeist-Spotting haben wir eine Datenbasis entwickelt, welche sich voll und ganz der Identifizierung und Validierung von nationalen und internationalen Trends widmet. Diese fliessen in unsere Strategie- und Konzeptentwicklung ein und verankern Marken auf relevante Art und Weise im Zeitgeist.
Informieren Sie sich hier über die wichtigsten Trends für die Schweiz im Jahr 2022.

Growth Hacking!
Disruption X The turbocharger for more growth.
Disruption X is our precise brand management tool focused on economic growth. Disruption X incorporates concrete business goals into the strategic and creative planning process from the very beginning, thus linking communication even more directly with growth.